Thursday, April 21, 2005

addicted to blogging

guess what!
i'm writing an exam in an hour and a half
and i have NO idea what to write about. this a whole semester's lesson in BS. it's really interesting. i'll keep y'all grades aren't going to be so great. i just heard that a cousin of mine is on the dean's list at guelph---must be nice---this doesn't make me want to work harder though. argh.

and blogging, as my therapeutic baking was during midterms, is an escape mechanism that i all too often employ---in an attempt to avoid even remotely thinking about this exam. obviously it doesn't work because i spend the time writing about my exam. so this is my subconscious alter-ego at work, really stressing about the exam, while the unmotivated ego has all control over the variables that influence whether i actually learn something or not. like, i should learn each time i write an exam that i should have studied weeks in advance. i'm stressing then, subconsciously, even while i don't realize that the exam date is looming over the nearing horizon... but that unmotivated personality of mine, wow. it takes over and i spend hours on msn, hours blogging, hours doing anything BUT working towards that deadline. oops. ok time for chocolate, and then off to the 'saug.

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