Monday, September 12, 2005


this song is in my head--gorillaz demon days. (solid cd. go listen to it) it ends with

lift yourself up it's a brand new day so turn yourself round
don't burn yourself, turn yourself
turn yourself around into the sun!
to the sun, to the sun... To the sun, to the sun...

first day back at erindale campus. for my third year of art and art history. today i had an hour of french class (haha this'll be interesting---) and i hung out with some friends from ecf. then i drove my car out to beamsville to get the muffler fixed, while i was driving the pipe broke even more and wow, my ears are still ringing...
for the first day of school though, i'm off to a good start. i don't know, 3rd year and finally knowing what's going on and i can walk around campus without being lost, without trying to be invisible. maybe it's my landscaping tan? i think it's the contrast between feeling so good now compared to how tired and drained i was last week...still tired, but on the mend.

nothing else bloggable. except i'm working an emergency shift at west plains bistro. check this place out: beautiful! for menu, hours, and a map. seriously though, every little detail is perfectly planned, down to the sugar packets and stir sticks, the table settings, everything. the food is spectacular. i'm raving..but i had repeat guests already, on the first day of business! this is exciting. you might want to make a reservation for the weekend...even for weekday evenings, like tonight. come on out!

that's all. i've been pretty tired lately, pretty down-and-out, not really sure why (until dear old aunt flow stopped by, then it all made sense) but nothing really new

oh yeah, i DID go see bedouin soundclash in hess village the other night. 'fanterrabulous' is my new word this summer. they were really cool.

and, i get to walk to school now! i've discovered the joys of erindale park, a park nearby the utm park for free AND get some fresh air. not bad. same with sheridan: there's a church down the street offering cheap parking----i'm going to buy into it and sign up. see if i can haggle a deal for just two days of the week. save abut $700, i think, this year.

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