Saturday, November 12, 2005

i'd be scared if i were you

i don't know why...but somehow i end up doing all my crazy deep thinking when i'm driving alone in my car at night listening to loud music.
like, i don't even think this much when i'm sitting at home by myself with no music and my bible in front of me and a pen and my journal... or even in front of this dumb computer! weird. i go from laughing about something funny that happened three weeks singing like a crazy along with newsboys (YEAH) to bawling my eyes out over a sudden realization of something about myself that i don't quite like... and then back to singing. or laughing. or smiling at people who drive past and make faces at me. stupid truck drivers.
too bad i don't remember all the details though. except for the various near death experiences that come from paying attention to what's inside my head more than what's outside...
NO i didn't almost die!
anyways, i've been learning a lot of interesting stuff these past few days. if you want to know more, you can ask me. how about coffee?


Anonymous said...

Hey Justine!!!!
I know, its been sometime sounds great!! watch that driving of yours, eh?? Its kinda crazy, but driving alone with loud music is my thinking time too. Wow, there's actually someone out there who's like me!! well, just drive safe eh? LOL!!! See ya someday hopefully soon!

Erika JvD

justine said...

:) hi erika