Tuesday, December 26, 2006


watch out for rowdy family games of pecan and dutch blitz. my arms (specially my elbows) are so bruised up from all these hyper card games. flip! and the family events are only just beginning...


Anonymous said...

Well you gotta go out there and take one for the team, sometimes you gotta play through the pain and give 110%, playing hurt shows character!!! If I think of any other sports cliches I'll let ya know :P. Hope you had a Merry Christams! :D

deenbeen said...

YESSS!!! Dutch Blitz! That was fun!!

//scream\\ Dutch Blitz!!!!

You're an odd one, my dear.
I better not forget it on tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

One could just . Avoid the Dutch all together.. but then again, we are a beautiful intelligent people.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

Wow! Sounds like fun. Here's a tip though, if it's that bad with playing Dutch Blitz, then don't try playing Jungle Speed. It's way fun, but lets just say you might end up bleeding or getting someone else's skin under your fingernails! (believe me, I know)

justine said...

sounds like spoons!

Anonymous said...

hey justine
im in BC
theres lots of snow
have a good new years!
xoxo kira