Friday, June 17, 2005

speedy speedster

i did it.
i got caught first ticket ever...sigh.
number one sideroad on the way to work---NOT even late for work, why would i be speeding!? posted 60 zone...i was going 92....oops... he dropped it down to 85 but still, that hurts. (good thing he didn't catch me last week doing 120 on that same road) and i cried, only after i drove away from the cop. but i'll blame that on being really really tired. i wanted to puke.
so, that was tuesday morning. monday night, i was all cheerful because we'd won our bball game again, and guess what? i got home around...11 30pm, and the entire house was dark. locked up, no lights anywhere, not even porch lights. and who doesn't have a house key? yep, that's me! so much for the good mood---but mom was still awake, she came and opened the door for me. :)
also this week, my work boots died. the sole was cracked right through...i was playing catch with someone at the shop tuesday after work, and the steel plate came out through the bottom of my shoe...and then the insole i was walking around in my shoe but not really in my was sad. those were comfy work boots, i will miss them. (they smell, so they're chucked out now---otherwise i'd keep em just for fun)...

anyways, it's been a rollercoaster...sort of. kinda. and it's finally friday. not enough sleep, too much work, sore feet, and not enough chocolate. and i'd planned to hit up campfire this weekend and help finish off construction and stuff like that---definitely not happening. not enough energy to even drive there! i need to sleep in tomorrow. and shop for a bathing suit bottom. and sleep some more. maybe catch some of the SoM parade. definitely wash dishes. why do i feel so selfish---i really would like to go to campfire...why didn't i make more of an effort to go!? ...too tired to think about it. and now, i'm going to bake some chocolate for various parties and things. see you at the sloan concert.

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