Monday, October 31, 2005

back to reality

life sure is pretty cool
i mentioned the fall retreat? well, kelly and i organized it---did all the groceries, figured out the program and came up with some awesome games...including a really cool talent show...and also cooked meals. and everything went SO well--very exciting!! mostly because kelly is very detail-oriented, she figured out all the details and did all the stressing, i just decided that it would get done, and did some of it, but didn't bother stressing...everyone helped out a lot and it was nice. i even got a massage, after playing crazy intense sports for 2 hours and THEN going swimming in beautiful but COLD lake simcoe...(yes in clothes)
and then coming from such a God-focused weekend, jumping right into YPS at church was like...i dunno, climbing out of a nice warm bed or hot shower and hitting the cold floor. eewww. out of the 35 or so people at fall retreat, everyone was excited to be there, enthusiastic, open to learning more, happy to worship, and overall a very nice group to spend a weekend with. out of the 20 or so high school students or recently graduated hs students, maybe 2 were actually interested in participating in any way. and yet, one on one most of these kids are awesome! i don't know why it's such a big deal where you can't look interested in christianity or something. really, jesus died for you and saved you from a lot of pain---wouldn't you be happy about it? wouldn't you want to get to know him better? i dunno, i do! but dwelling on this makes me bitter---i don't want to come across as loving ecf and then telling the yps group that they're not good enough. and yet i want to dwell on it to figure out some way to connect with the kids in this youth group. because they're all great kids, and they all have so much to offer, and there's such joy in bible study and group stuff and community---they're missing out on a lot.
meanwhile, someone just told me my blog is boring. sorry kids---maybe i'll just blog when i'm feeling really profound?
relient K tomorrow at the kool haus. fun stuff.

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