Tuesday, October 25, 2005

it really is too bad

that i spent pretty much all day writing, or attempting to write, and have barely 500 words to show for it, and at least 1500 to go before i'm done at 4 pm wednesday afternoon. between there i also need to present/hand in two studio projects and read some other articles for the same wednesday class as the essays/take home test...and do some more prep for ecf fall retreat. it really is pretty pathetic actually how on-the-ball i am.
so, here is my 'breaktime' look at my more positive future...some various hopes and dreams which, right now, are pretty near and dear to my heart. if not far away in the future.

~graduate with a BA from U of T
~craft.design.textile program at sheridan (three more years, YES i love school!)
~learn sign language
~learn how to dance (for real!)
~'bodybuild'/lose a little/wear a bikini.
~own/drive a toyota tacoma, change the oil MYSELF
~travel. pretty much anywhere.
~volunteer at a drop in centre in downtown hamilton. or maybe somewhere else.
~start a Bible study/small group at a retirement/nursing home
~keep my room clean.
~tattoo...one day
~write snail mail more often, with real envelopes and stamps and real stationary(even stickers!)
~remember phone numbers and actually call people!
~get a bead torch, make and use my own glass beads
~start tithing properly

now if i sat down and thought some more i probably will come up with some more that i can add to this list. so i will update periodically. and yes, i'll let you know when i check something off...but until i check off 'learn to dance for real' then my victory dances for each checkmark won't be too impressive. too bad.
right now, the top of my priority list is 'sleep' also 'procrastinate' and 'avoid'---i'm going to give in, seeing as my fingers and also my left elbow are becoming a little cramped up. my shoulder too. oh---add ~learn massage therapy skills~ to that list. also, ~make friends with someone who has massage therapy skills~ some of my dreams are pretty practical too. and useful. :)
ok, good morning.

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