Tuesday, October 25, 2005

really isn't so bad at all

YES i am now victory dancing.
i have crossed off half of my takehometest. 1364 impossible pulling-teeth words about the role of a biographical approach to art history. of course it needs a bit of work: i'm a little weirded out by some caraaaazy long runon sentences...and i go from extremely smooth scholarly language to really not sounding, like, professional at all.
it's fun though.
the worst part was writing 500 words in all of yesterday--and then opening up the file today to find only 312 words---weirdest thing EVER! i had a small-scale tantrum for sure. but i found back the missing pieces (it sort of appeared, i'm not sure why or how) and i'm happily considering the next step, writing about the unconscious factors in artistic creation. wow, this will definitely be interesting...hopefully it'll be better since i am now on a writing roll and now that i'm going i might as well put off sleeping till i at least got 500 words done...
'i've got all morning tomorrow to work on this, why not sleep now'...(that's the evil voice on my left shoulder) yeah that would be real smart. i'm hearing weird creepy spacey noises from upstairs...*gone to check it out*...those were definitely weird creepy outside sky noises from a plane or something. but it sounded UFOish. and i'm the only one awake in the house, there are lights on everywhere and i'm sitting in the cold nasty basement eeeek
good one, talk myself into being way too creeped out to write essays. smartie!!
back to essay...

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