and, it begins again
i am skipping sculpture.
but not in the same way that i skipped so much painting class last year: i have a formal analysis to write for tomorrow and a french movie to watch and write 'une fiche' on. this is also beginning again: the neverending procrastination.
not so much procrastination, as lostness---i DON'T know what to write. first writing assignment of the year is hard to do. it's only 500-750 problem! and french!? don't get me started. je ne sais rien. jamais. c'est dommage, n'est pas.
anyways, i'm also skipping sculpture because i forgot my project at home...and i haven't really gotten anywhere since last class, so why bother going.
that's why.
i can rationalize/justify anything.
even things like not finishing homework...
hi Justine!
well this is so cool... this 'blogpage'. now i may need to ask what the heck a 'blog' is? this world is spinning away on me so fast, in a technological sense anyway. ;)
my comment in this 'leave your comment' box could be 'Justine! you need to get to work!' except that would be hypocritical of me, seeing as i am reading your blogs, enjoying candies and writing you comments at the present, when homework sits before me under a mountain of tootsie roll wrappers. SO instead i will tell you to relax and maybe drop all that you are doing (if it is possible to may need to let go, throw or back away for whatever you are doing), lay your head down in a comfortable position and close your eyes (for detailed instructions on this course of action please refer to encyclopedia S - the section called 'sleep').
take care Justine!
ps. thankyou for the studybreak... this webpage is SWEET!
hahaha hi elaine!! thanks for the comment, and you're welcome for the study break. come back anytime, i tend to blog a little too often...:)
blog is a weblog, sort of an online journal. mostly it's my venting/complaining/talking to myself-ness...but once in a while i'll come up with something i like. not often though, and i tend to be a little melodramatic...but it's all fun. you should start one--look at all the poetry you crammed into this little comment box! it really is therapeutic...hehe
ok. back to homework...
interesting.... so if i were up with the times i could actually keep a 'diary' on the internet?? heck, that is one scary idea... my diary is sort of a private thing... don't know how much i could handle having people snoop around in it ;) at the same time tho, i do agree with your therapy claims. just reading your posts got my brain gears moving - mental exercise! hehe.. or maybe it was more like a juicy steak for my brain to chew on, contemplate the flavour, have an opinion about...
well have an enjoyable week you crazy-ideaed artist (altho you are not as odd as your cousin nate who just blew in here, raged for 20 minutes about the proper way to wire outdoor lighting, and blew out again. heck...i didn't even have a chance to say 'hello'!). i still remain curious as to how you came up with the idea to do this..? intriguing
take care!
hello to nate. :) yeah, us lodders, crazy-ideaed, and definitely good at raging at various things. he shouldn't have forgotten his manners like that though---venters and ragers should ask permission before they start venting and raging. they should definitely say hello first.
well, as to why i started a blog, pretty much all my friends had one and i wanted one too. :) sometimes it's a cool way to stay in touch w/ some of the girls, reading each other's blogs (if you follow the links to the right)...and i can type faster than i can write, so there's a lot more in here than in my 'analog blog' heehee
i'd like to use this blog also as a bounceboard sort of thing, to try out ideas for projects and stuff, but i haven't done much of that because creativity is at an alltime low right at the moment i'm exploring the causes of this lowness...i sense a project building out of this psychological mess.
have a good night, elaine! ttyl
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