Tuesday, December 6, 2005

four hours

it only took four hours to: finish that drawing. (well, add half hour)...ok so i finished the drawing. drove to sheridan. shot the images on the screen, rinsed, dried, postexposed, and finally set up the screen to print...grabbed the two first colours i found and some random newsprint, and started printing. and it only took 4 hours! 10 pm till 2 am. not bad. considering i've been stressing about nonstress for the past four weeks, planning all the while to leave it till the last possible moment and of course planning to worry about it and almost not complete it and i even emailed lisa to tell her i wouldn't get it done in time. i even woke up in time to go in at 7 this morning...didn't get there till 10 pm haha...:) all i need now is a portfolio case, but i'll go get that at sheridan bookstore tomorrow at break.
so now i'm home pigging out on caramel corn--it's pretty sweet. i better put it away before i eat it all and go back for a cavity filling at the good old dentist
now i should sleep.
good night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're funny! I'm impressed that you stayed there till 2, that you got it done! I want to see it!!!

I'll see you in sculpture.