Saturday, December 10, 2005

so here comes the customary pre-paper avoidomaniac complaint blog. the one where i'm eating lots of chocolate and i'm surrounded with art history stuff (and now a poinsetta!) and i've just showered and 'started' my day, getting psyched up to write... i can't write a paper without blogging first!? just gotta warm up my fingers. and my brain. except i have to work tonight, probably late--won't be able to start really getting into this until i get back.
last night was really cool----ecf christmas banquet! silas hasn't yet uploaded pictures---he said they'd be up tonight. (holding you to that!)(LINK-->:ecflovesyou/media) dalia and i had a lot of fun organizing (i wasn't originally going to...because i'd already done fall retreat. but i couldn't let dalia do it all herself--that's enough stress!) it looked gorgeous--everyone came out all dressed up and pretty...we sort of ran out of potluck food (yeah pizza!...)but there was SO much leftover dessert! ...and we have so many musical people at ecf...and it's just so cool to hang out with ecfers. goodbye to terrence, jen sue and to courtney--we'll miss you! yeah we had like....i dunno at least 65 people come out...yes we had enough room..:) it's interesting--fall retreat organizing i was SO not stressed out, but yesterday? i had a few spastic moments. small ones...and no one got hurt...i hope...:)
um...does anyone know why the canref doesn't do youth pastors? is there a big reason for it? i remember talking about it at some point..can't get into the forum, it's not responding. want to ask the canref youth what they think! but the youth pastor at the church we rented for the banquet stayed for the banquet--hung out with us the whole time, helped clean up and pretty much did a lot for us--he's so cool! (thanks ken!) even at...1:00 am! and i know from experience that i'm not so great at leading yps (skipping tomorrow even!) but i'd love to learn...
i dunno, i'd like to go on and on but we know this paper won't write itself.

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