Tuesday, January 3, 2012

do be do be do

Lights beside the Freeway. Through the Freeway window.

Words. I just deleted a lot of words.
And a lot of words before that.
They're futile anyway, right Suf?

How do I say that 2012 needs to be a year for doing? Doing a lot of bucket list things. Doing smartly. Doing bravely and adventurously, spontaneously (Ben's word), lovingly. But also doing deliberately. Doing purposefully, positively, communally, entirely. Entirely. Doing things that are necessary, and doing things that are frivolous. Doing things beautiful and mundane. Doing things that God has called and smiled upon for me to do. Doing due discernment to know what those things are. But also doing things while being prepared to improvise.

2012 is time for action. For being open to hearing God breathe. For being creative and honest. For being obedient and courageous. For being beautiful and mundane. For being colourful and joyful, for being attentive and trusting.

Vague vague vague. 
The words just become more futile as they arrive and multiply on the screen, so I deleted more.

Lights beside the Freeway. Through the Mazda window.

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