Wednesday, May 22, 2013

field full of wishes and dreams

OK so.

I got laid off. A few weeks ago. Jobless. No income. For the first time in YEARS. (uuhhhh waiting on that EI, it'll come in sometime.) (and yes I could go cut grass. Really I could. But that's a bandaid solution, and a painful one which would take over everything like it usually does.)

SO I have suddenly all this time. It's continually filling up with coffee dates with friends, tattoo appointments (yaaa!), (not enough) naps, and beautiful days spent taking in the sunshine. I haven't spent enough time soaking in the word though (of course) and I know I need to kick my imagination into gear if I want to start engaging in what the future holds. Proactively. Creatively. I've got a few books on the go (this, and this), and I am starting to get my head around what it looks like to take ownership of this story I'm living. Slowly and foggily. Ridiculously slow, and ridiculously foggy.

I have a long road to go I think. Even before my resume is polished up enough to meet new people.
But I'm enjoying the sunshine, and my Lumix again!

1 comment:

Mars Hotel & Restaurant said...

best mony making way on !