Saturday, April 13, 2013

Um, I actually opened up Blogger to write about what I thought after coming across this article on my FB newsfeed. Turns out my last blog post was actually about the same thing. What.

I'd forgotten about that last paragraph: Perhaps the most difficult thing for creative individuals to bear is the sense of loss and emptiness they experience when, for some reason, they cannot work. This is especially painful when a person feels his or her creativity drying out. 

I mostly just want to sleep right now though. And to pay off a stupid credit card bill. And live in a clean house. And surround myself with people I love. So in my practical brain those things take precedence--they're legit excuses for why I can't sit down with some creative pursuits. But as I go about taking care of business at this point, it's actually a ridiculous amount of work to be positive and polite and fun, and tough to be around the people I love when I'm being such a grouch about life. And beyond the grouchiness is a sheepish sense of shame for not actually taking any explorative steps toward less grouchiness. There's no formula for this, no checklist to fill out. No one person holding my hand through the process. But I was here years ago and...well, enough is enough right?

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