Monday, November 14, 2011


(this is a tired old blog.) (it's been a long while.) the other day i was telling my journal that i seem to have a constipation of splagnizomai. if that's even possible. splagnizomai is a (biblical) greek word for when you have a gut reaction to something. like somewhere in mark when jesus had compassion for someone, the language used referred to the emotion being felt in the gut rather than in the heart or wherever we currently say emotion is felt. constipation i guess is kind of a nasty image. haha. but really, you can't properly enjoy a good dump when you're constipated. all that good shit is stuck, you know you need to get it out, but your body is just not cooperating and you're stuck feeling terrible. you know? i think, actually, the word is acedia. and i recently read a chapter about sloth, any work that's not good, and how it's a deadly sin and actually opposed to love. at this point, right now, as i do terrible work on my grad program (really, i have a terrible work ethic right now), this is a scary thought.

and i just now realized that i think i have the flu.

1 comment:

The Laughing Rover said...

This is great, I love the word splagnidzomai, I think you're fabulous, and I'm sorry you have the flu.